I Long To Worship God

We look forward to seeing you in Sunday Morning

Elect Lady Evonite Smith is truly a humble servant of God who stands firmly by her husband Prophet Ricky R. Smith Sr.  She epitomizes her role as a servant of God and further presses into a dimension in worship because she loves to worship and praise God.  God has anointed her as a psalmist and a dynamic preacher of the Gospel.  Elect Lady Evonite Smith was born and raised in Lexington Mississippi. She is the daughter of Earl & Mary Rias who are former employees of DH Baldwin Piano Company.

Elect Lady is currently in pursuit of her Bachelor’s Degree in Leadership and Management.  In 2002, Prophet Ricky R. Smith and Elect Lady Evonite Smith were united in  matrimony. The two of them started the ministry in their home. They began with a study course on the book of Matthew.  The first service was held in the basement of their home.  Currently, Elect Lady Smith assists her husband Prophet Ricky R. Smith Sr., with the daily administrative  duties many other areas as the need arises.  As a duly affirmed Evangelist, Elect Lady knows what to do with a microphone in her hand.  Simply stated: she will preach, she can teach, she can sing and she ministers in praise and worship as she leads you in the presence of God.

Elect Lady Evonite Smith is a Psalmist & Worshipper who enjoys singing adoration’s unto the Lord. Under Elect Lady Evonite’s Leadership,  she overseers the choir, worship team, women’s ministry, Music department.or   In addition to those duties, Elect Lady Smith is an avid reader and student of the word of God. Outside of being an effective leader, she is a mother, motivator and mentor to many. Elect Lady is a natural mother to 4 beautiful children and has a special love to see the body of Christ rise to their greatest potential through the application of God’s Word.  Elect Lady believes the word of God but has a special love for “Psalms 37”

 Elect Lady Evonite Smith Loves to Worship