Prayer is a must to have a relationship with GodPrayer for Salvation by

Worship Deliverance Praise Tabernacle (Romans 16:16)

  • Let us pray…
  • Dear Father, again we come before You
  • bowed down in humble adoration of Your Holy Name.
  • We come worshiping You as the One and only True God…
  • the Creator of heaven and earth.
  • We are thankful Father for the avenue of prayer
  • and the access it gives us to Your love, mercy, power, and care.
  • Each of us as Your people come to You as one.

We come asking that You bless those who seeks to know you through salvation.

Bless them with humble soft hearts that are ready to obey Your word.

Bless them with the courage to walk away from sin and the false teachings they have followed in the past.

Bless them to give their heart and soul and body wholly over to You,

as You indwell their hearts by faith.

Bless their formerly dead bodies to boldly come forth

from the watery grave of immersion to walk in newness of life.

Help them to walk like Jesus.

Help them to walk in the Spirit.

Help them to walk by faith and not by sight.

Help them not to worry, complain, or fear.

Help them to be meek and loving, patient and kind.

Bless them to see the gifts You have given them,

and use them as they develop those gifts to Your glory.

In the Name of One whose eyes are like the flame of fire

and whose feet are like shining brass…

by the authority of Jesus the Christ we pray.

Let us all say: AMEN!